πŸ‘‹ Hey there, ink-lovers! (And those who just love a good laugh πŸ˜‚). Getting a tattoo is a big decision – you’re basically signing up for a lifetime of explaining that, no, your mom isn’t disappointed. πŸ˜…

So, before you get inked with the β€œbest” (πŸ˜‰) decision of your life, we’ve compiled a list of tattoo puns and jokes that are sure to tickle your funny bone. This list has it all: clever wordplay, puns for kids, and humor that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Get ready to laugh your tats off! 🀣

Top Tattoo Puns & Jokes That Will Inkredibly Tickle Your Funny Bone

  1. I got a tattoo of an apostrophe yesterday… now it’s just a matter of finding the right place to put it.
  2. My friend got a tattoo of a dollar sign on his foot… he calls it his β€œsole” purpose in life.
  3. Why did the tattoo artist refuse to tattoo the number seven on the football player? Because he was booked solid.
  4. I got a tattoo of a dictionary on my arm… It’s my go-to for spelling bee competitions and awkward social situations.
  5. What do you call a tattoo on a mime’s face? A silent scream for attention.
  6. My friend said his new tattoo was a real conversation starter… Turns out it was just misspelled.
  7. I got a tattoo of a snail going really fast on my back… I guess you could say it’s my escargot-away driver.
  8. I saw a guy with a tattoo that said β€œLife is a beach”… He looked really tan, but also extremely sunburned and dehydrated. Seemed ironic.
  9. Why did the chameleon regret getting a tattoo? It kept changing its mind!
  10. I told the tattoo artist I wanted a tattoo of a broken heart… He said, β€œDon’t worry, I’m sure it’ll heal.”
  11. Someone offered me a free tattoo if I could guess what it was. It was a Sharpie. I won that one fair and square.
  12. Why don’t mimes get tattoos? Because it’d be like drawing on the walls!
  13. What’s the difference between a tattoo and a tax? You don’t have to wait for a tattoo to hurt to know it’s permanent.
  14. My friend got a tattoo of a pretzel… He’s really salty about it.
Clean and clever Tattoo Puns and Jokes at ThePunnyWorld.com. Discover the best Tattoo Puns and Jokes, featuring top Tattoo jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Tattoo content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Tattoo-tally Hilarious One-Liner Jokes

  1. I’m thinking of getting a tattoo that says β€œloading…” on my forehead. I’m just waiting for the right font.
  2. My friend got a tattoo of a boomerang. He’s thrown off ever since.
  3. I saw a guy with a tattoo of a dictionary on his arm. I thought, β€œThat’s a novel idea!”
  4. I wanted a tattoo of all the places I’ve traveled, but my back has too much baggage already.
  5. My dad told me not to get any tattoos because they’re permanent. I told him so is him being my dad, but we don’t see me complaining.
  6. I got a tattoo artist to draw a tattoo on a piece of paper for me. I guess you could say it’s a rough draft.
  7. I once met a guy with a β€œNo Regerts” tattoo. I wonder what he was thinking… or if he was.
  8. My tattoo artist said my skin was like a canvas. I told him to charge me by the square inch then!
  9. Apparently, getting a tattoo of your ex’s name is bad luck. Who knew? Besides everyone.
  10. I got a tattoo of a dollar sign on my foot. Now I can literally say I got paid to walk all over people.
  11. My new tattoo is invisible to the naked eye. I’ll tell you what it is when you get to know me better.
  12. I just got a tattoo of a semicolon. It’s a constant reminder that my story isn’t over yet; neither is this sentence.
  13. You know you’re running out of space for tattoos when you have to start asking people, β€œCan I see your ankles real quick?”
  14. Always go to a tattoo artist who’s had a few bad relationships. They know all about covering up exes’ names.
  15. I want to open a tattoo shop next door to a gym and call it β€œRegrets and Iron.”

Quotes About Tattoo That Don’t Ink-lude Regrets 😜

  1. β€œMy tattoo is in a language I don’t even understand. It’s like a permanent subtweet to my future self.”
  2. β€œTattoos: proof that you can cry your way into a good decision.”
  3. β€œGetting a tattoo is easy. Explaining it to your grandma, now that’s the real commitment.”
  4. β€œBefore you judge my tattoos, think of it this way – at least my art stays on the canvas.”
  5. β€œLife is too short for boring skin. Get a tattoo, or at least doodle on yourself with a Sharpie.”
  6. β€œYes, it hurt. But have you ever felt this cool?” gestures vaguely at tattoo
  7. β€œMy therapist says my tattoos are a healthy coping mechanism. Now, if I could just find a way to cope with my therapist’s bills…”
  8. β€œI don’t have a tattoo bucket list, I have a tattoo β€˜as-the-mood-strikes-and-I-can-afford-it’ scroll.”
  9. β€œPeople always ask if I regret any of my tattoos. The answer is yes, but only the one that says β€˜No Regerts’.”
  10. β€œMy tattoos tell a story. Mostly about how much I love bad decisions and impulse control issues.”
  11. β€œTattoos are like potato chips. You can’t have just one. Unless it’s a portrait of your ex, then definitely stick to one.”
  12. β€œMy ideal retirement plan involves sitting on a porch, telling exaggerated stories about my tattoos, and charging tourists $5 for pictures.”
  13. β€œI like to think of my tattoos as conversation starters. That, or really elaborate mosquito bites.”
  14. β€œSure, I could write a memoir. Or I could just show you my arm, it’s basically the same thing.”
  15. β€œTattoos: because life’s too short to be a blank canvas. Also, because I lost a bet.”

Dad Jokes About Tattoo: Inkin’ Your Funny Bone

  1. I saw a guy with a tattoo of the alphabet on his skin. I thought, β€œThat’s pretty basic.”
  2. My son asked for a tattoo for his birthday. I said, β€œSure, let’s get you a temporary one.” He said, β€œCome on, Dad, those aren’t real tattoos!” I said, β€œNeither are you until you’re 18!”
  3. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Including tattoos, apparently.
  4. You know what’s a bad place to get a tattoo? Your skin. It’s just asking for trouble.
  5. My wife got a tattoo of a seashell on her wrist. Now she has a permanent reminder of our shell-abration. Get it?
  6. A guy told me his tattoo was just a phase. I said, β€œYeah, a solid, permanent phase.”
  7. Why did the tattoo artist quit their job? They just didn’t like being inked to a desk all day.
  8. What do you call a tattoo that’s always under the weather? An inka-sneeze!
  9. My kid asked me how much tattoos hurt. I told him, β€œEverything hurts when it’s permanent.”
  10. What do you call a tattoo of a cow? An udder disaster!
  11. I saw a guy with a tattoo of a dictionary. I thought, β€œHe must be a man of many words… permanently.”
  12. Why don’t zombies get tattoos? They only like β€˜fresh’ ink.
  13. My son asked for a tattoo of his favorite superhero. I said, β€œHoney, you already have a SUPER hero… your Dad!”
  14. I wanted to get a tattoo of a boomerang, but I changed my mind. I figured it would just come back to haunt me.
  15. What’s the most dedicated insect? The tattoo artist’s bee – always working on the needle.

Tattoo-riffic Puns & Jokes for Kids (Who Think Ink Is Funny!)

  1. What did the tattoo artist say to the fidgety octopus? β€œHold still, or you’ll get an eight-tacled tattoo!”
  2. Why did the bear get a tattoo on his stomach? He wanted to be a belly button bear!
  3. Where do sheep go to get tattoos? The baa-ber shop!
  4. What do you call a tattoo artist who only uses invisible ink? A very bad idea!
  5. Why did the robot get a tattoo of a light bulb? He wanted to be a bright spark!
  6. What happens when a dinosaur gets a tattoo? It’s dino-mite!
  7. What do you call a tattoo on a pirate’s foot? An ink-redible sole!
  8. Why did the tree get a tattoo? It wanted to branch out!
  9. Why did the ghost get a tattoo? He wanted to be a boo-tiful sight!
  10. What did the ocean say to the tattoo artist? β€œJust make me ink-redible!”
  11. Why did the cookie get a tattoo? He wanted to be a tough cookie!
  12. What do you call a bear with a tattoo of a fish? A tat-tuna bear!
  13. Why did the pencil get a tattoo? He wanted to make his mark!
  14. Where do bees get tattoos? At the sting parlor!
  15. What’s a tattoo artist’s favorite fruit? A perma-peach!

Tattoo-riffic Double Entendres Puns That Will Ink Your Funny Bone

  1. I wanted a tattoo of a scroll on my arm, but the artist said it would be parchment-ly permanent.
  2. My tattoo artist is so talented, he can draw a crowd… permanently.
  3. I got a tattoo of a snail because I wanted to shell-ebrate my slow and steady approach to life.
  4. My dad was furious when he found out I got a tattoo. He really inked my hide.
  5. I tried to get a discount on my tattoo by saying it was for charity. The artist just gave me a hard ink-quiry.
  6. I got a tattoo of a dictionary on my arm. Now I’m covered in definitions of cool.
  7. I asked for a camouflage tattoo. When I went back to complain that I couldn’t find it, the artist said, β€œExactly!”
  8. They say love is pain, which is why I got a tattoo of my ex on my foot so I can kick myself every time I think about her.
  9. Getting a tattoo of a dollar sign is the only way to ensure you’ll always have money… at least in a metaphorical sense.
  10. My tattoo artist is so good, he doesn’t need stencils, he draws freehand…permanently.
  11. I’m starting a band called β€œThe Regretfuls.” We’re all about bad decisions and questionable tattoos.
  12. My tattoo of a semicolon is a constant reminder… that my grammar isn’t finished yet.
  13. I got a tattoo of a dot because I’m a minimalist… or I just really like punctuation.
  14. My new tattoo of a world map is incredibly detailed. I can literally pinpoint all my travel plans…and regrets.
  15. My friend said my new tattoo of a bee was β€œthe bee’s knees.” I told him, β€œNo, these are my knees.”

Tattoo-tally Hilarious Tattoo Recursive Puns

  1. I told my friend his new tattoo of a dictionary was redundant. He said, β€œI get it, it’s a tattoo about tattoos.”
  2. This tattoo artist is so meta, he gave me a tattoo of him giving me a tattoo of a tattoo.
  3. My tattoo artist said my skin was like a canvas. I told him, β€œDon’t canvas my opinion, just tattoo my tattoo.”
  4. I tried to tell my friend a joke about his new tattoo, but he stopped me and said, β€œDude, your tattoo puns are inked permanently in my mind. I’ve heard them all.”
  5. Getting a tattoo can be a painful experience, but the pain is temporary, and the tattoo is forever. Unless you get a tattoo of the word β€œtemporary.”
  6. My tattoo artist is so good, he could tattoo the word β€œtattoo” onto a grain of rice. I asked him to prove it, but he said, β€œThat’s a rice-diculous request.”
  7. This tattoo artist is so talented, he can draw a perfect circle freehand. I asked him to tattoo one on my arm, but he said, β€œSorry, I only do tattoos that are permanently on point.”
  8. I went to a tattoo parlor that specializes in ironic tattoos. I got a tattoo that says, β€œThis tattoo is not ironic.”
  9. You know what they say about people with tattoos? They’re more likely to get another tattoo. Especially if it’s a tattoo of the phrase β€œmore likely to get another tattoo.”
  10. My friend got a tattoo of a semicolon on his wrist. I asked him what it meant, and he said, β€œIt’s a reminder that my story isn’t over yet; there’s more to be inked.”
  11. I saw a guy with a tattoo that said, β€œThis is my last tattoo.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he regretted getting that tattoo.
  12. Some people say tattoos are a form of self-expression. Others say they’re just permanent reminders of bad decisions. I say, why not get a tattoo of that debate inked on your body?
  13. My friend asked if I regretted any of my tattoos. I told him, β€œI don’t regret any of them, especially not the one that says β€˜No Regerts’.”
  14. I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of a blank sheet of paper. That way, if I ever change my mind about a tattoo, I can just get it inked over.
  15. What did the tattoo say to the laser removal machine? β€œI thought we had something special, something permanent!”

Tattoo Q&A Jokes & Puns So Funny They’ll Ink Your Brain

  1. Q: Why did the tattoo artist win an award? A: He was outstanding in his field!
  2. Q: What do you call a tattoo that’s always in trouble? A: A permanent marker.
  3. Q: Why did the tattoo of the eye cry? A: It was inked in a sad story.
  4. Q: What did the tattoo say to the skin? A: Don’t worry, this is going to be ink-credible!
  5. Q: Where do tattoos sleep? A: Under your skin!
  6. Q: Why did the tattoo artist refuse to give the vampire a tattoo? A: He said it wouldn’t stick!
  7. Q: How do you make a tattoo about a pirate ship disappear? A: Use the Vanish Point Ointment!
  8. Q: What did the left arm say to the right arm about the new tattoo? A: Have you seen this new ink? It’s totally arm candy!
  9. Q: Why was the tattoo artist so broke? A: He was always drawing blanks.
  10. Q: What do you call a tattoo of a snail? A: A slow-motion picture!
  11. Q: What’s the most detailed tattoo? A: A fine print!
  12. Q: How did the tattoo pay for his groceries? A: He used his ink-come!
  13. Q: What’s a dragon’s favorite tattoo? A: A fire-breathing sale!
  14. Q: What’s the best thing about getting a tattoo of a clock? A: It’s time-less!
  15. Q: Why shouldn’t you get a tattoo when you’re tired? A: You might nod off!

Tattoo-rific Knock-Knock Jokes That Will Leave You Inking In Laughter

  1. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Tattoo bad you don’t find my jokes funny, I’m inked-redible!
  2. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Tattoo soon to tell, you’ll have to wait and hear the punchline.
  3. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? I’m feeling a little tattoo edgy for you to answer.
  4. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Tattoo much pressure to be funny! I need a break.
  5. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Tattoo the rescue, my jokes are starting to needle me!
  6. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? I’m so funny, I should get a trophy tattoo-ed on me!
  7. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? I’m not a mind reader, tattoo you think I know who’s there?
  8. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Aw, you’re just joshing me, you can’t resist my tattoo-tally awesome jokes!
  9. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Tattoo be or tattoo not be funny, that is the question!
  10. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Alright, alright, I’ll stop with the tattoo puns… for now.
  11. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? These jokes are permanently etched in your mind, admit it!
  12. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? You think these jokes are bad? You should see my stand-up tattoo-tine!
  13. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? I heard you like tattoos, so I put a joke in this knock-knock joke!
  14. Knock knock! Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who? Don’t get your ink in a twist, there’s plenty more jokes where that came from!

Tattoo Pun Names That Will Inkspire You to Giggle

  1. Ink-redible Hulk
  2. Tattooine Raider
  3. The Perman Ink-quisition
  4. Skin-ful Secrets Tattoo Parlor
  5. Sir Inks-a-lot
  6. The Ink-Spector
  7. The Dermistician
  8. The Artful Dodger (specializes in escape route tattoos)
  9. Pain-cess Bride (known for intricate, large-scale work)
  10. Professor Inkwell
  11. The Needle and the Dame Tattoo
  12. Tattool Tales (a gossip blog about tattoo mishaps)
  13. Ink-cognito (for undercover tattoo artists or those getting secret tattoos)
  14. The Skin-tillating Saga of Sir Reginald Tattoo III
  15. Permanently Scarred… For Life! (a dark humor tattoo parlor)

Ink-redible Puns: That’s All, Folks!

Well, there you have it, folks! Enough ink-redible puns and tattoos jokes to make you laugh your tat-tooshie off. But the fun doesn’t have to stop here! Explore our website for more punny delights that will leave you permanently smiling. Don’t worry, we promise they’re less painful than a real tattoo…unless you count the sore sides from laughing too hard!

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space ThePunnyWorld.com, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind ThePunnyWorld.com, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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