Get ready to laugh your seeds off because this is going to be one sesame-nal post! 😂 We’ve compiled the very best sesame puns and jokes about sesame, perfect for both kids and adults who are young at heart. This list of clever and positive humor is sure to tickle your funny bone – it’s positively se-same-thing special! 😉 Get ready for some seriously nutty wordplay – you might even say it’s… unbelieava-bowl! 🤪

Top Sesame Puns & Jokes That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

  1. Why couldn’t the sesame seed climb up the hill? It wasn’t stronk enough!
  2. I met a sesame seed at the beach today. He was looking for his sun tan lotion!
  3. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite app? Tinder! Gotta love a good swipe right.
  4. Why did the sesame seed get a job at the bank? Because he was great with small change.
  5. Heard about the sesame seed who won an award? He was truly outstanding in his field.
  6. What do you call a sesame seed with a gambling problem? A seedy character.
  7. How do sesame seeds greet each other? “Se-same here!”
  8. Why don’t sesame seeds share their toys? Because they’re a little seedy!
  9. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite genre of music? R&B… Rhythm and Bran.
  10. I tried to make a sesame seed smoothie this morning. Turns out, my blender just couldn’t handle the seedy underbelly of the sesame world.
  11. What did the sesame seed say to the hamburger bun? “Hey, lookin’ good! Wish I could get toasted with you.”
  12. You know, I used to be addicted to sesame seeds… but I managed to kick the habit. Now I’m just seed-curious.
  13. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite day of the week? “Sunday! It’s seed-urday’s recovery day.”
  14. What do you call a sesame seed that’s also a lawyer? Sue-same seed, Esq.
  15. Never tell a secret in a bakery. Those sesame seeds? They’re always on the grapevine!
Clean and clever Sesame Puns and Jokes at Discover the best Sesame Puns and Jokes, featuring top Sesame jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Sesame content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Sesame-ingly Funny One-Liners

  1. I tried to make sesame chicken from memory. I forgot the sesame. It was just chicken.
  2. My therapist told me to embrace my mistakes. So I’m opening a bakery called “Open Sesame Seeds of Opportunity.”
  3. What did the sesame seed say to the burger bun? “Hey, I’m your biggest fan!”
  4. Sesame Street is actually a very stressful place to live. There’s just so much pressure to crack the alphabet code.
  5. Why don’t they play poker on Sesame Street? Too many cheaters – Cookie Monster always knows what’s in your hand!
  6. You know you’re eating too much hummus when… you start speaking fluent Sesame.
  7. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite way to travel? Seeded airlines!
  8. I used to have a job writing slogans for sesame oil. Turned out to be a pretty slippery position.
  9. The sesame seed decided to join a band. He’d always been a big fan of the Rolling Scones.
  10. I went to a sesame seed support group the other day. It was nice. Everybody shared their problems bun-der a safe space.
  11. What car does Big Bird drive? A Volks-wagen!
  12. “Open sesame!” said the hungry man at the all-you-can-eat buffet.
  13. My friend tried to tell me sesame seeds are good for your eyesight. I said, “Oh yeah, have you ever seen a blind sesame seed?”
  14. What does Big Bird use to clean his apartment? A feather duster!
  15. Why don’t sesame seeds gamble? Because they always lose their crumbs!

Quotes About ‘Sesame’ That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

  1. “Sesame seeds: proof that good things come in tiny, teeth-lodging packages.”
  2. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried to politely pick a sesame seed out of your teeth on a first date.”
  3. “Sure, a sesame seed may be small, but it has the power to completely ruin a white shirt. Respect the sesame.”
  4. “My therapist told me to embrace my inner child. So, I ate an entire bag of sesame bagels. Is that what she meant?”
  5. “They say the secret to a long life is happiness. I say it’s avoiding sesame seeds when you wear black pants.”
  6. “Sesame Street taught me everything I know about sharing, counting, and the existential dread of a giant bird living on your street.”
  7. “Never trust a sesame seed that willingly jumps into your burger bun. That’s just asking for trouble.”
  8. “I put sesame oil in my hair for shine. Turns out, it also attracts pigeons. Who knew?”
  9. “Dating is like a sesame seed bagel: you think it’s all plain and simple, then BAM! Flavor explosion.”
  10. “My doctor said I need more fiber in my diet. So, I sprinkled sesame seeds on my pizza. Checkmate, Dr. Healthnut!”
  11. “Sesame seeds are like the glitter of the food world—they get everywhere and are impossible to get rid of.”
  12. “Some people dream of swimming with dolphins. I dream of a world where sesame seeds don’t get stuck in my teeth. We all have our goals.”
  13. “I tried to explain to my dog that he can’t eat my sesame chicken. He looked at me like I just spoke Greek. And stole another bite.”
  14. “Open sesame” is a magic phrase, unless you’re allergic. Then it’s more like a “run for your life” phrase.
  15. Life is too short to eat boring salads. Sprinkle on some sesame seeds, embrace the chaos, and let those tiny seeds lead the way!

Dad Jokes about “Sesame” That Are Utterly Seedy-licious

  1. What did the sesame seed say when it sued the burger joint? “This is an open and shut case, sesame!”
  2. Why don’t sesame seeds gamble? Because they’re always pushing their luck!
  3. I tried starting a band called “Sesame Street’s Worst Nightmare”…we were an underground cookie-thrash band.
  4. Why did the sesame seed cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken, sesame!
  5. How do you make a sesame seed roll? You give it a little push and tell it it’s on a roll!
  6. I told my wife she was spending too much time on that sesame street forum. She said I was being ridiculous. I said “Don’t be silly, Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?!”
  7. My wife wanted to name our twins “Salt” and “Pepper”. I said, “No way, we’re going with “Sesame” and “Pepper” because everything’s better with more Sesame!”
  8. Sesame seeds are tiny overachievers. They really bring a lot to the table!
  9. I used to work at a sesame seed factory, but it was just too seedy for me.
  10. You know what’s a sesame seed’s favorite app? Tik-Tok, they love to see a good dance!
  11. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite day of the week? Sunday, of course!
  12. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite board game? Anything but Trivial Pursuit, those questions are too granular!
  13. How do you tell if a sesame seed is a good dancer? See if it can do the Mashed Potato!
  14. I knew I shouldn’t have put all my sesame seeds in one bowl… My wife said it was an unwise investment.
  15. Why are sesame seeds such bad dancers? Because they always get stuck between your teeth!

Sesame-ly Delicious Puns & Jokes for Kids (That Won’t Make You Go Nuts!)

  1. Why couldn’t the sesame seed climb up the hill? Because it kept rolling down!
  2. What do you call a sesame seed that’s really good at karate? A black belt seed!
  3. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Sesame! Sesame who? Sesame happy to see me!
  4. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite game to play at the park? Seesaw!
  5. Why did the sesame seed cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  6. What do you call a group of sesame seeds having a party? A seed-lebration!
  7. What does a sesame seed say when it tells a secret? Sesame tell anyone!
  8. Why did the sesame seed get sent to the principal’s office? For being a bad seeder!
  9. What’s a monster’s favorite type of bread? Sesame Street bread!
  10. How do sesame seeds say hello to each other? “Seed you later!”
  11. What do you get if you cross a snake and a sesame seed? I don’t know, but it’s a-seedy-ing!
  12. Why are sesame seeds always invited to parties? Because they’re such great sprinklers!
  13. What’s small, round, and giggles when you tickle it? A sesame seed!
  14. What did the bread say to the sesame seed? “Hey, you’ve got some real talent – you’re one smart cookie!”
  15. Where do sesame seeds sleep? On a seed-bed, of course!

Sesame-ly Spicy Double Entendres Puns

  1. I told my date I loved her like a warm pretzel, soft and ready to be dipped… into some sesame. She didn’t get it. Apparently, I need to work on my sesame-duction techniques.
  2. She told me she wanted to be more than friends, but only under one condition: “No sesame.” I guess you could say things got complicated in our open sesame-lationship.
  3. My therapist told me to embrace my inner child. Now I sprinkle sesame seeds on everything and scream, “Open sesame!” in public restrooms.
  4. Forget Tinder! I’m starting a dating app called “Sesame Street.” It’s for singles looking for someone to share their trash and recycling bins with.
  5. I tried to make a sesame seed smoothie this morning. Let’s just say it didn’t go down as smoothly as I hoped.
  6. What’s the difference between a bad joke and a sesame seed stuck in your teeth? Nothing, they’re both such a pain to get rid of!
  7. My love life is like a jar of sesame oil: messy, complicated, and I always seem to get myself into sticky situations.
  8. I finally figured out how to open my neighbor’s garage door. Turns out, it wasn’t “Open sesame!” It was “Fix your own dang door!”
  9. I’m starting a sesame street-themed punk rock band. We’re called “The Grouch Punks.”
  10. I went to a sesame-themed escape room last night. I was doing great until I got to the part where I had to unlock a jar of tahini.
  11. Why are sesame seeds so good at keeping secrets? Because they’re always hush-hush!
  12. My doctor told me I needed to cut back on the sesame. Apparently, you can have too much of a good thing. Who knew?
  13. They say sesame oil is good for your hair. But every time I use it, I just end up smelling like a bagel.
  14. I’m writing a romance novel about two star-crossed lovers who meet on Sesame Street. It’s called “Love at First Bite: A Bert and Ernie Story.
  15. I tried to impress my date by making sesame noodles from scratch. Turns out, I used salt instead of sugar. Guess you could say it was a salty end to a sweet evening.

Sesame-ly Recursive Puns: They’re Se-same-thing, But Different Every Time!

  1. Why did the sesame seed go to therapy? Because it had a lot of self-sesame issues!
  2. What did the sesame seed say to the motivational speaker? “Your words are really inspiring me to sesame-thing special!”
  3. I tried to tell a recursive pun about sesame seeds, but it kept sesame-ing back to me!
  4. Sesame Street is so popular because it’s always up-to-sesame on the latest educational trends.
  5. I wanted to open a bakery that only used sesame seeds, but I couldn’t sesame to find the right location.
  6. You know you’ve reached peak sesame obsession when you start dreaming in sesame-seed patterns.
  7. The life of a sesame seed is full of ups and downs, or as I like to call them, “sesame-seesaws.”
  8. I tried to write a song about sesame seeds, but I could never quite find the right sesame-lody.
  9. Sesame street is such a wholesome show, they bleep out all the sesame-language.
  10. What do you call a sesame seed that’s always getting into trouble? A real sesame-nuisance!
  11. Never underestimate the power of a sesame seed. It can sesame-ltaneously add flavor and crunch!
  12. I’m starting to think my friend has a sesame seed addiction. He puts them on sesame-thing!
  13. They say the meaning of life is hidden in a grain of… okay, who am I kidding, it’s a sesame seed!
  14. Why are sesame seeds such good storytellers? Because they know how to sesame-lessly transition between narratives.
  15. I’m working on a new sesame seed-based cryptocurrency. I’m calling it “BitSesame.”

Sesame-ingly Silly QnA Jokes & Puns

  1. Q: What did the sesame seed say to the burger bun? A: Hey bun, let’s get this bread!
  2. Q: Why did the sesame seed fail its driving test? A: It kept going the wrong whey!
  3. Q: What’s a sesame seed’s favorite app? A: Instagrain!
  4. Q: Why are sesame seeds such good secret keepers? A: They’re good at keeping things under wraps!
  5. Q: Why did the sesame seed get a job at the bank? A: It was great with seed money!
  6. Q: What’s a sesame seed’s favorite type of music? A: Anything with a good beet!
  7. Q: What do you call a sesame seed that’s always telling jokes? A: A real knee-slapper-seed!
  8. Q: What did the sesame seed say to the grumpy bagel? A: Hey, what’s your deal, rye?
  9. Q: Why did the sesame seed cross the road? A: To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  10. Q: What do you call a sesame seed that’s been roasted too long? A: A toast!
  11. Q: What do you call a sesame seed that’s really good at math? A: An algebra-seed!
  12. Q: What’s a sesame seed’s least favorite day of the year? A: April Fuels Day!
  13. Q: What’s a sesame seed’s favorite game show? A: Wheel of Fortune Cookie!
  14. Q: What’s a sesame seed’s favorite dance move? A: The Seed Shuffle!
  15. Q: Why don’t sesame seeds like telling each other secrets? A: Because someone always spills the beans!

Sesame-ingly Silly Knock-Knock Jokes

  1. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame place to be, you got a smile on your face!
  2. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame me crumble, that’s a funny joke!
  3. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame street, and don’t forget to greet!
  4. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame in, the fun’s about to begin!
  5. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame seeds of laughter, get ready to guffaw after!
  6. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame open, I’ve got a joke that’s a real knee-slapper!
  7. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesamething funny… oh, never mind, I forgot the punchline!
  8. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame way to brighten your day, with a silly knock-knock, hooray!
  9. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame-thing tells me you’re about to laugh!
  10. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame reason for this joke, it’s just for a chuckle, folks!
  11. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame laughter, can’t we all use a little more of after?
  12. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame me a smile, you know you want to!
  13. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame old joke, but it still gets me every time!
  14. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame-thing funny is going on here, and I think it’s this joke!
  15. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame later, gotta go tell another joke, alligator!

Sesame-thing tells me you’ll love these punny names!

  1. Sesame Street Cred
  2. Sesame Salutations
  3. Open Sesame Streetwear
  4. Sesame Place, Man! (said with a surfer dude accent)
  5. Sesame-lessly Single
  6. Sir Cumference of Sesame
  7. Seas the Day, Sesame!
  8. Sesame Outta Compton
  9. For Sesame and Country
  10. Sesame, But Different
  11. Honey, I Shrunk the Sesame Seeds
  12. The Sesame Predicament
  13. Oh My Gourd! It’s a Giant Sesame Seed!
  14. Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka-dot Sesame Seed
  15. Lizzo’s About Damn Sesame (Time)

Sesame Street’s Punniest Residents Sign Off!

Well, that’s all folks! We’ve had a cracking good time with these sesame-themed jokes, haven’t we? We’ve had puns so bad they’re good, and puns so good they’re… well, still probably bad, but we love them anyway! Don’t let the laughter stop here – head over to our website for more pun-derful jokes that’ll tickle your funny bone ’til it’s sesame-sized!

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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