👋 Hey there, fellow meme lords and pun enthusiasts! 😂 Get ready to dive into the best list of meme puns and jokes about memes that are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone! 💯 We’ve got a treasure trove of clever and positive humor that’s perfect for kids and adults alike. So buckle up and prepare to LOL – it’s gonna be a wild ride through the hilarious world of meme-infused puns! 🚀

Top Meme Puns & Jokes – Editor’s Picks: Get Ready to LOL IRL

  1. I used to be addicted to memes… but then I realized, I can stop any time. Just kidding, I’m still scrolling. (Self-deprecating humor with relatable meme addiction)
  2. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato! (Classic wordplay pun, relatable to the “couch potato” stereotype)
  3. My therapist told me to embrace my mistakes. So I’m going to start by embracing this meme I stole. (Ironic humor highlighting meme culture’s tendency for reposting)
  4. Me trying to explain my meme addiction to my therapist: “It’s not a phase, Mom!” (Plays on teenage rebellion stereotype and the widespread use of meme formats)
  5. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! (Classic science pun, always a hit)
  6. You know you’ve spent too much time on the internet when you can hear the memes. (Relatable humor for the digitally immersed)
  7. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised. (Simple yet effective observational humor)
  8. My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing it. So I took it to the movies. It loved the new Spiderman film! (Plays on literal interpretations of requests with a humorous outcome)
  9. Why are fish so easy to weigh? Because they have their own scales! (Animal pun that’s both clever and silly)
  10. Me trying to adult today: Loading… Loading… Error 404: Adulting skills not found. (Relatable to the struggles of adulthood, using tech humor)
  11. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybe! (Simple and silly animal pun, great for all ages)
  12. My bank account is like an onion. When I open it, I cry. (Relatable financial humor using a common food metaphor)
  13. Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me. I’ll laugh at you! (Ends on a lighthearted and self-deprecating note)
Clean and clever Meme Puns and Jokes at ThePunnyWorld.com. Discover the best Meme, featuring top Meme jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Meme content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Funny Meme One-Liner Jokes: Guaranteed To Make You LOL

  1. I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.
  2. What does oblivious mean? I have no idea!
  3. Just burned 2,000 calories running back and forth to the fridge. Totally worth it.
  4. I want to be cremated, as it’s my last chance to be in the news.
  5. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
  6. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!
  7. I just got fired from my job at the bank. An apparent cashier error.
  8. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a unicycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? Attire.
  9. Never trust atoms. They make up everything!
  10. My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down.
  11. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!
  12. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!
  13. What’s brown and sticky? A stick!
  14. I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That makes six months in a row.
  15. I used to hate facial hair but then it grew on me.

QnA Jokes & Puns about Memes: Because Laughter is the Best Meme Reaction

  1. Q: What do you call a meme that’s always evolving? A: A meme-tations!
  2. Q: Why did the meme go to jail? A: It was framed!
  3. Q: What’s a meme’s favorite dance? A: The viral shuffle!
  4. Q: What did the meme say to the comedian? A: I’ve got one up on you!
  5. Q: Why are ancient memes so hard to understand? A: They’re hieroglyph-ical!
  6. Q: How does a meme get to work? A: It takes the internet!
  7. Q: What’s a meme’s favorite type of music? A: Anything that goes viral!
  8. Q: Why did the meme cross the road? A: To get to the other side of the internet!
  9. Q: What’s a cat meme’s favorite color? A: Purr-ple!
  10. Q: What’s the most popular meme in the ocean? A: Spongebob, of course!
  11. Q: Why are some memes so short-lived? A: They have a short attention span!
  12. Q: How do memes stay hydrated? A: They drink digital fluids!
  13. Q: What does a meme wear to a party? A: A viral outfit!
  14. Q: What’s a meme’s favorite subject in school? A: History, they love to be reposted!
  15. Q: Why don’t they allow memes at the airport? A: They cause too much terminal laughter!
  16. Q: What’s the best way to spread a meme? A: Share it with friends… like a virus!

Dad Jokes about Memes: Warning: Eye Rolls May Be Contagious

  1. I told my son that all his memes were stale. He didn’t get it. Guess I have to explain it to him… when he gets back from the bread store.
  2. What does a meme say when it’s done loading? “Finally!”
  3. What did the meme say to the trend? “Don’t worry, I got you covered.”
  4. Why don’t they ever let memes into the Super Bowl? They’re too offensive! …Get it? Offensive? Like a football team’s offense?
  5. I tried to explain to my dad what a meme is. He just looked at me and said, “Sounds like something you’d find in a museum!”
  6. What do you call a meme about making furniture? An IKEA-n you believe it?
  7. My wife asked me to stop making meme references. I said, “But honey, they’re trending!”
  8. I saw a meme about procrastination today. I thought to myself, “I’ll laugh at that later.”
  9. What’s a meme’s favorite snack? Reposts. They just can’t get enough of ’em!
  10. Why are ancient memes so hard to understand? They’re hieroglyphics!
  11. What does a meme dad say to his kids? “Don’t forget to share me with your friends!”
  12. My son said his new meme is going viral. I told him to keep it away from me, I don’t want to get sick!
  13. I told my wife that her meme game was weak. She said, “Well, you should see my meme team!”
  14. I used to be addicted to memes. But then I realized, I could just quit cold turkey. No reposts necessary.

Funny Quotes About Memes: Because Laughter is the Best Caption

  1. “Memes are the only therapy I can afford.” – Accurate and relatable.
  2. “I’m not sure what’s more contagious, laughter or memes.” – Spread the joy (and the memes)!
  3. “A meme a day keeps the doctor away… or at least sufficiently distracted.” – Modern medicine at its finest.
  4. “I don’t always understand memes, but when I do, I feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself.” – A glimpse into the profound world of meme culture.
  5. “My love language is sending you memes that remind me of you.” – It’s the thought (and the meme) that counts.
  6. “Sleep? I don’t know her. I only know memes and the crushing weight of existence.” – Deep, philosophical, and meme-infused.
  7. “That awkward moment when you see a meme you made five years ago…” – We all have a dark past.
  8. “Memes: proof that humanity is capable of achieving great things… and also this.” – The duality of humankind.
  9. “Explaining a meme to someone who doesn’t get it is like trying to explain the meaning of life to a goldfish.” – Some things are just better left unsaid (or unexplained).
  10. “Behind every successful person is a folder of carefully curated memes.” – The secret to success (probably).
  11. “Memes are like onions. They have layers… of humor, social commentary, and sometimes, a surprising amount of truth.” – Shrek would be proud.
  12. Life is too short to be anything but a walking, talking meme repository.” – Words to live by.
  13. “In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, at least we have memes.” – Amen to that.

Funny Proverbs & Wise Sayings about Meme: When Ancient Wisdom Gets Memed

  1. A meme in time saves nine… seconds of scrolling. (Timeliness is key in the fast-paced world of memes.)
  2. Don’t judge a meme by its first panel. (Just like books, memes can have unexpected twists.)
  3. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and miss all the best memes. (The internet never sleeps, and neither do the best memes.)
  4. The early bird gets the worm, but the meme lord steals the spotlight. (It’s all about capturing the internet’s attention with the perfect meme.)
  5. Too many cooks spoil the broth, and too many captions ruin the meme. (Sometimes, simplicity is key for maximum comedic effect.)
  6. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it understand a deep-fried meme. (Some memes are just too abstract, even for the thirstiest memers.)
  7. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it probably inspired a thousand memes. (History is a rich source of meme material.)
  8. The best things come in small packages, especially when it comes to reaction memes. (A well-timed reaction meme speaks volumes.)
  9. Laughter is the best medicine, and memes are the sugar-coated pills. (Memes make everything better, even if it’s just for a little while.)
  10. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a meme is worth a thousand shares. (Memes have the power to connect people through shared humor.)
  11. Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to meme, and he’ll never stop procrastinating. (Memes can be both a blessing and a curse for productivity.)
  12. If at first you don’t succeed, meme, meme again. (Persistence is key in the competitive world of meme creation.)
  13. The pen is mightier than the sword, but the meme is mightier than the Twitter argument. (Memes can disarm even the most heated online debates.)
  14. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, especially in the world of memes. (Meme formats are meant to be shared and remixed, spreading laughter far and wide.)
  15. A meme a day keeps the boredom at bay. (Need we say more?)

Meme Double Entendres Puns: So Funny They’re Two Memes in One!

  1. “Netflix and chill?” – More like “Netflix and actually chill” because I’m too awkward for anything else. (Plays on the popular phrase and the reality of social awkwardness)
  2. “I’m in my feels.” Also, I’m literally touching my skin, so… (References the slang term for emotions and the physical act of feeling)
  3. “Did someone say ‘snack’?” picture of someone taking up the entire couch. (Implies being the ‘snack’ means being large and in charge)
  4. “Adulting is hard.” picture of someone struggling to hold a juice box. (Ironically juxtaposes a simple task with the perceived difficulty of being an adult)
  5. “I’m not saying I’m lazy…” proceeds to list five alternative explanations for their laziness. (Humorous denial followed by even funnier justifications)
  6. “I’m not a morning person.” picture of a grumpy cat with the caption “Go away, sun!”. (Relates to everyone who struggles with early mornings using a relatable grumpy cat image)
  7. “Sorry, I can’t. I have plans.” picture of someone lying on the couch in their pajamas. (Implies “plans” are synonymous with relaxation and doing nothing)
  8. “I’m not always a drama queen…” picture of someone wearing a crown and holding a dramatic pose. (Sarcastically implies they are, in fact, always a drama queen)
  9. “I’m not addicted to my phone…” frantically checks phone while saying this. (The irony of claiming non-addiction while glued to the phone)
  10. “Do you even lift, bro?” picture of someone struggling to lift a teacup. (Mocks gym culture by applying it to a mundane task)
  11. “I’m having a mental breakdown.” picture of someone calmly sipping tea. (Humorously contrasts the phrase with a picture of serenity)
  12. “I love my job.” picture of someone fantasizing about winning the lottery. (The universal feeling of dreaming about escaping work)
  13. “I’m so over it.” picture of someone literally standing on top of “it,” which is a pile of laundry. (Humorous literal interpretation of the phrase “over it”)

Recursive Puns about Meme: When Meta Goes Meta… and Keeps Going

  1. What did the meme say to the therapist? “I feel like I’m stuck in a… meme-ntal loop.” (Starts the loop with “meme” itself)
  2. Why did the meme get lost? Because it couldn’t stop scrolling itself! (Looping action of scrolling references the spread of memes)
  3. What’s a meme’s favorite drink? A pina colada… because it’s always getting reposted. (Drink name sounds like “reposted” for the loop)
  4. A meme walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hey, we have a drink named after you!” The meme says, “What? You have a drink called ‘Reposted Content’?” (Drink name mocks overused memes, a recursive concept)
  5. How do you organize a meme party? You just have to meme-orize the guest list. (Wordplay on “memorize” loops back to the meme theme)
  6. A meme’s life cycle is pretty simple: Born on the internet, shared until viral, and then… [See previous meme for expected life cycle]. (Directs back to the list itself, a meta loop)
  7. Why are memes so good at telling stories? Because they’re natural born narra-memes. (Pun on “narratives” keeps it in the meme world)
  8. Life is like a meme. If it doesn’t catch on, it dies quickly in obscurity. (Compares life to meme lifespan for dark but recursive humor)
  9. This is the last recursive meme pun on the list. Or is it? 🤔 (Meta commentary on the list format itself, questioning its own end)

Funny Meme Tom Swifties – Jokes and Puns That Will Make You LOL

  1. “I need to find a charger…stat!” Tom said statically.
  2. “I just love watching documentaries about tornadoes!” Tom said wistfully.
  3. “That stand-up comedian really bombed tonight,” Tom said jokingly.
  4. “These pants make my legs look weird,” Tom said leggingly.
  5. “Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? He woke up!” Tom said abruptly.
  6. “I think I’ll go for a run,” Tom said joggingly.
  7. “This low-fat diet is really working!” Tom said thinly.
  8. “Make sure you underline that word in your notes,” Tom said instructively.
  9. “This elevator music is killing me!” Tom said lifelessly.
  10. “Getting your wisdom teeth pulled is no laughing matter,” Tom said extract-tingly.
  11. “I won the hot dog eating contest!” Tom said frankly.
  12. “My pet parrot flew away,” Tom said birdly.
  13. “This ghost pepper sauce is way too spicy,” Tom said ghostily.
  14. “I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all those beans!” Tom said toot-ally.
  15. “I think I’m coming down with something,” Tom said sickly.
  16. “This crossword puzzle is so easy!” Tom said cryptically.
  17. “I think my internet connection is down,” Tom said disconnectedly.

Meme Spoonerisms: When You Memean One Thing, But Shay Another

  1. “One does not simply yolk into Mordor” (One does not simply walk into Mordor)
  2. “Is the bean dizzy?” (Is the dean busy?)
  3. “Go and shake a tower” (Go and take a shower)
  4. “I love you, shoe!” — “I know.” (I love you, too! — I know.)
  5. “Phrasing! You keep using that sord. I do not think it weans what you think it weans.” (Phasing! You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.)
  6. “Hide the pain, Harare.” (Hold the pain, Harold.)
  7. “Yame over, Shikari!” (Game over, Shakira!)
  8. “See you, later space heater!” (See you, later space cowboy!)
  9. “What in tarnation?!” (What in carnation?!)
  10. “Good morning, starshine! The earth says hello!” (Good morning, sunshine! The earth says hello!)
  11. “May the horse be with you!” (May the force be with you!)
  12. “Luke, I yam your father!” (Luke, I am your father!)
  13. “Spooning? I hardly know her!” (No spooning? I hardly know her!)
  14. “Chill out, broseph Stalin.” (Chill out, Joseph Stalin.)
  15. “To infinity…and yehind!” (To infinity…and beyond!)
  16. “In Soviet Russia, the meme stares at shoe!” (In Soviet Russia, the shoe stares at you!)

Meme-orable Laughs: That’s All, Folks!

And there you have it, folks! Enough meme puns to make even Bad Luck Brian crack a smile. But the fun doesn’t stop here! We’ve got a whole meme-ory bank of hilarious puns and jokes just waiting to be explored on our website. So go ahead, take a scroll, and get ready to laugh your socks off (though we can’t be held responsible for any lost socks).

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space ThePunnyWorld.com, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind ThePunnyWorld.com, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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