Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for takeoff because we’re about to reach new heights of humor with these airplane puns and jokes! 😂✈️ We’ve got a first-class list of the best and funniest jokes about airplanes, packed with enough clever puns to make you laugh whether you’re a frequent flyer or just enjoy a good chuckle. Get ready to ascend into a world of laughter – this post is your boarding pass to a world of positive vibes and fun for kids and adults alike! 😄

Top Airplane Puns & Jokes – Editor’s Picks: Prepare for Landing Gear-Splitting Laughter

  1. Why did the airplane get in trouble for stealing the clouds’ blankets? It got caught air-mailing them! ☁️✉️
  2. My fear of flying is completely plane and simple. I just don’t like being thousands of feet in the air. 😟✈️
  3. Why can’t Monday and Friday ever go on a trip together? Because they’re always week apart! 😂📅
  4. What do you call an airplane that flies backward? A receding airline! ✈️💨
  5. A pilot walks into a library looking for books about paranoia. He whispers to the librarian, “They’re out to get me!” 🤫📚
  6. What’s the difference between a plane and a magician? A magician says, “Pick a card, any card!” A plane says, “Pick a seat, any seat… as long as it’s yours.” 🪄💺
  7. What’s the least popular streaming service on an airplane? Air-time! 📱✈️
  8. Why did the airplane break up with the helicopter? Because they were always rotating shifts! 💔🚁
  9. How do you make a plane fly faster? You gotta give it a high five! 🖐️✈️💨
  10. Pilot to co-pilot: “This is your captain speaking. We’ve reached cruising altitude, so I’m going to turn off the engine to save fuel. We’ll glide the rest of the way.” Co-pilot: “Won’t people be worried?” Pilot: “Nah, we’ll just tell them it’s a silent disco!” 🎧🤫
  11. What kind of drinks do they serve on airplanes? Just plane water. 💧✈️
  12. What do you call an airplane that can’t take off? Grounded for life! ✈️🌎😂
  13. How do trees get on the internet? They log in! 🌲💻 …Get it? Like a plane log? Okay, I’ll stop.
  14. I’m starting a new airline for claustrophobic people. The only catch is, it only has window seats! 🪟✈️
  15. Pilot on loudspeaker: “This is your captain speaking. We’re about to hit some turbulence, so hold on to your nuts!” Passenger: “What did he say?” Other passenger: “He said hold onto your nuts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!” 🥜✈️😂
Clean and clever Airplane Puns and Jokes at Discover the best Airplane, featuring top Airplane jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Airplane content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Funny Airplane One-Liner Jokes: Get Ready for Takeoff with These Knee-Slappers!

  1. They say airline food is getting better… the portions are definitely smaller.
  2. My fear of flying is completely irrational… and so is that flight attendant yelling at me to put my cat back in its carrier.
  3. What do you call an airplane that flies backward? A receding airline.
  4. I saw a pilot wearing a NASA t-shirt today. I thought, “That’s a bit ambitious.”
  5. Why are airplane windows always so dirty? Because they have cloud storage.
  6. What do you call a plane that can’t take off? An error plane.
  7. I joined the Mile High Club… then I realized I was in a bouncy castle at a children’s party.
  8. Flying is the second fastest way to travel… the fastest is being shot out of a cannon.
  9. I bought a first-class ticket, but they bumped me up to business class. I guess you could say I got a pro-motion.
  10. They lost my luggage on my last flight. Now I’m completely prop-erless.
  11. A flight attendant asked me if I wanted dinner. I said, “What are my options?” He said, “Yes or no.”
  12. I only fly private planes. That’s my business class secret.
  13. What’s the difference between a plane and a magician? A magician knows how to make a Boeing 747 disappear.
  14. My dad works at the airport… He’s a control freak.
  15. Turbulence is just air doing the wave.

QnA Jokes & Puns about Airplane: Fasten Your Seatbelts for Laughter!

  1. Q: What do you call an airplane that flies backward? A: A receding airline!
  2. Q: Why did the airplane get in trouble with the police? A: It was carrying weapons of mass construction!
  3. Q: What’s the difference between an airplane and a toilet? A: On an airplane, you flush the toilet. In a toilet, you pray you don’t hit an airplane.
  4. Q: Why do airports have glass doors? A: So planes don’t take off in the winter!
  5. Q: What do you call a plane that can’t take off? A: An error plane!
  6. Q: Why did the music teacher need an airplane? A: To reach the high notes!
  7. Q: Why are helicopters so lonely? A: Because they’re always hovering around by themselves!
  8. Q: What’s an airplane’s favorite drink? A: Jet fuel!
  9. Q: What kind of snakes do you find on airplanes? A: Boa-ring ones!
  10. Q: Why did the airplane get a promotion? A: It excelled in its field!
  11. Q: How do you send a letter on an airplane? A: Air mail!
  12. Q: What do you call a plane that crashes on Halloween? A: A BOO-ing 747!
  13. Q: Why did the pilot bring a ladder to work? A: To reach the cockpit!
  14. Q: What’s the most important thing to pack for a flight? A: Your sense of humor!

Dad Jokes About Airplane: Prepare for Landing (Gear Up for Groans!)

  1. Why did the airplane get in trouble at school? It had too much altitude.
  2. I tried to catch some fog earlier… I mist. Also, I’m getting on a plane!
  3. What do you call an airplane that flies backward? A receding airline.
  4. You know, I took a course on how to make airplane food edible… Turns out, they only meet once a year, and it’s a potluck!
  5. How do you make a plane fly? You throw it out the window and scream, “Boeing!”
  6. Why are the bathrooms on airplanes so small? They’re trying to keep the flights under two liters.
  7. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato. We’re taking him on vacation!
  8. I just flew in from New York City, and boy, are my arms tired! You think they’d have a better system.
  9. Why don’t they serve alcohol on planes? You’re already high enough. Speaking of high, look at that plane!
  10. What do you call an airplane that’s afraid to land? A chicken wing.
  11. What kind of snakes are on airplanes? Boa constrictors… they get 50% off their tickets.
  12. Ever hear about the airplane that was made entirely of rubber bands? It had a really good snap roll.
  13. What do you call a plane that can’t take off? Grounded, just like my kids after this trip!
  14. I had to give up my seat on the plane for a crying baby. I guess it was a good trade, though, that kid was going places.
  15. Turbulence is just the airline trying to shake some sense into you. Seems to be working on your mother!
  16. I asked for a window seat on the plane. They told me to find an open window. Good thing we’re flying in one!

Funny Quotes About Airplane: Turbulence Can’t Stop the Laughter

  1. The problem with airplane peanuts is that they’re not big enough to be disappointed in.” – Matt Groening (A witty observation about the underwhelming nature of airplane snacks.)
  2. “I’m not afraid of flying, I’m afraid of crashing.” – Bob Hope (A relatable sentiment expressed with perfect comedic timing.)
  3. “Turbulence is just the earth’s way of saying, ‘Have another drink!'” – Unknown (Turning a bumpy flight into an opportunity for humor.)
  4. “They say the safest part of a flight is the takeoff and landing. Which is good, considering that’s when you’re closest to the crew that doesn’t trust the pilot.” – Unknown (A self-deprecating jab at the perceived anxieties of air travel.)
  5. “I collect those little airline bottles of liquor. I have quite a collection… I use them to blackmail pilots.” – Jay London (Absurdist humor with a touch of dark comedy.)
  6. “It’s best to avoid airport coffee shops before a flight. The last thing you need after takeoff is a case of the runs.” – Unknown (Practical advice delivered with a humorous twist.)
  7. “The worst part of flying is having to sit next to someone who wants to talk about their fear of flying.” – Jerry Seinfeld (A relatable experience for anyone who’s endured an oversharer on a plane.)
  8. “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” – Every flight attendant ever, probably. Followed by, “Just kidding… unless?” (Playing with the familiar trope of the reassuring yet slightly unnerving flight attendant.)
  9. “The only time an airplane is truly comfortable is when it’s parked at the gate.” – Unknown (A relatable sentiment about the cramped realities of airplane travel.)
  10. “I love to travel, but hate to arrive. Especially in those tiny airplane bathrooms. You ever try changing clothes in one of those? It’s like trying to make a bed in a phone booth!” – Peter Griffin (Exaggerated humor that plays on the absurdity of tiny airplane bathrooms.)
  11. “Airplane food is proof that time travel is possible. It tastes like it was prepared in the future… by robots.” – Unknown (A playful jab at the often-maligned quality of airplane food.)
  12. “Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss. The hard part is missing.” – Will Rogers (Another humorous take on the improbable nature of flight.)
  13. “The best thing about flying standby is that you can meet interesting people. Like the ones who tell you, ‘You’re never going to believe this, but I’m flying standby!'” – Unknown (Poking fun at the somewhat predictable conversations that can happen at airports.)

Funny Proverbs & Wise Sayings about Airplane: Preparing for Takeoff into Laughter

  1. Early bird gets the best seat, unless someone in economy brought a smelly tuna sandwich.
  2. A watched pot never boils, and a watched departure board never shows your flight on time.
  3. Don’t put all your luggage in one overhead bin, unless you want to play Tetris at 30,000 feet.
  4. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… onto a very long security line.
  5. You can lead a passenger to water, but you can’t make them stop clapping when the plane lands.
  6. Silence is golden, especially when the baby next to you finally falls asleep.
  7. Patience is a virtue, especially when waiting for your luggage to arrive… in a different country.
  8. Don’t cry over spilled coffee, especially if it belongs to the person in the seat in front of you.
  9. A penny saved is a penny earned, but good luck finding a charging port for your phone.
  10. Two wrongs don’t make a right, especially when reclining your seat into the person behind you.
  11. You can’t judge a book by its cover, and you can’t judge the turbulence level by the size of the plane.
  12. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a bag of peanuts is a close second on a long flight.
  13. Look before you leap, especially when exiting the aircraft and facing the wrath of impatient passengers behind you.
  14. Better safe than sorry, which is why you should always pack your swimsuit in your carry-on. (Just in case!)
  15. Laughter is the best medicine, especially when the pilot announces, “We’re experiencing some slight turbulence.”

Airplane Double Entendres Puns: Preparing for a Turbulent Laugh-Off

  1. “This flight is full of high flyers!” (Referring to either successful individuals or, well, the altitude).
  2. “The pilot really nailed that landing…said no one on this flight ever.” (Because bumpy landings are a shared fear, right?)
  3. “The turbulence is making me hit the mile high club…with this barf bag.” (Romance is dead, long live motion sickness).
  4. “This plane ticket cost an arm and a leg… good thing I still need those to walk off the plane.” (Air travel: Making you question your financial decisions since… forever).
  5. “That flight attendant is definitely cleared for takeoff…in my heart.” (Hey, we’re allowed to have crushes at 30,000 feet).
  6. “This airline really knows how to take the pressure off… my bladder, after all that free soda.” (Gotta stay hydrated, even if it means frequent bathroom trips).
  7. “I’m feeling very emotional about reaching my final destination… mostly relief that the crying baby is someone else’s problem now.” (Parenthood: Gotta love ’em… from a safe distance).
  8. “I’m not sure what’s more cramped, my seat or the overhead bins.” (Legroom? What’s legroom?)
  9. “I asked for a window seat, but all I got was this incredible view of… a wing.” (Ah, the classic bait and switch of the airline industry).
  10. “The pilot really needs to come out of his cockpit and address the passengers… preferably with some complimentary drinks.” (Nothing says “we’re sorry for the delay” like free booze).
  11. “I can’t believe they lost my luggage. Guess I’ll have to buy a whole new wardrobe… on the airline’s dime, of course.” (Time to turn that lost luggage fiasco into a shopping spree).
  12. “I’m so glad I chose this airline. They really know how to treat their passengers… like cattle.” (The sardonic truth about budget airlines).
  13. “I’m so glad I took this flight. It really helped me grow as a person… mostly my patience.” (Because nothing tests your limits like delayed flights, screaming children, and mysterious smells).

Recursive Puns About Airplane: Prepare for a Turbulent Flight of Wordplay!

  1. Why did the airplane get lost? It took the wrong turn at the roundabout… and went round and round, realizing it was in a pun about airplanes going in circles.
  2. What do you call an airplane that can’t take off? A grounded plane… and a grounded comedian, unable to deliver the punchline about being grounded.

Funny Airplane Tom Swifties – Jokes and Puns That Will Make You Soar With Laughter

  1. “We’re approaching cruising altitude,” Tom said loftily.
  2. “Don’t worry, the turbulence is just a little rough air,” Tom said disarmingly.
  3. “Please make sure your tray table is secured,” Tom said plainly.
  4. “This is your captain speaking…we’ll be landing shortly,” Tom said terminally.
  5. “Did anyone pack the peanuts?” Tom asked nutsily.
  6. “I sure hope this plane doesn’t get struck by lightning,” Tom said electrifyingly.
  7. “I get to fly to exotic locations for free!” Tom said airily.
  8. “Please fasten your seatbelts, we’re about to hit some turbulence,” Tom said buckle-ing under pressure.
  9. “I left my luggage at baggage claim,” Tom said absentmindedly.
  10. “Can someone help me find my boarding pass?” Tom asked passively.
  11. “I love watching the clouds go by,” Tom said condescendingly.
  12. “Get me another gin and tonic,” Tom said spiritedly.
  13. “I can’t believe they lost my luggage again,” Tom said baggaged down.
  14. “I wish I had brought my neck pillow,” Tom said stiffly.
  15. “This in-flight entertainment is really boring,” Tom said plainly.
  16. “I’m feeling a bit queasy,” Tom said turbulently.
  17. “Look, the landing gear is deploying!” Tom said excitedly, landing on the punchline.

Airplane Spoonerisms: Turbulence for your Funny Bone

  1. “Please ensure your trail tables are stup and locked.” (Tray tables are up) – A classic airplane instruction gets a silly makeover.
  2. We are currently experiencing some mild pond turbulence.” (Bond turbulence) – Sounds like the plane might be in a spy movie chase!
  3. “The co-pilot is just checking the flight hath.” (Flight path) – Did someone leave the bathtub running in the cockpit?
  4. “We ask that you refrain from smoking in the lavatoilet.” (Lavatory) – A little linguistic mix-up for bathroom humor.
  5. “The flight attendants will be coming around with customs forms for those peeling bark.” (Peeling back) – Sounds like a very specific (and confusing) customs line!
  6. “Please close your window shades for lake off.” (Take off) – Are we landing on a lake? This spoonerism will leave you wondering.
  7. “We hope you enjoyed your fright, and thank you for flying with us.” (Flight) – A humorous farewell that adds a touch of fear to the experience.
  8. “Please store your carry-on luggage in the overhead kin bins.” (Bin kins) – Suddenly, overhead compartments sound like a family reunion.
  9. “Fasten your peat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” (Seat belts) – Passengers might wonder what kind of unusual snack is being offered.
  10. “We’ll be landing in chew hours.” (Two hours) – Hope everyone packed extra gum!
  11. “The captain has turned off the fasten flight belt sign.” (Fasten seat belt) – This spoonerism creates a moment of confusion about safety procedures.
  12. “Please use the air dents above you if you need some fresh air.” (Air vents) – Are those air vents or dental work in disguise?
  13. “We are currently flying at an altitude of chirty thousand feet.” (Thirty thousand feet) – Sounds like a very specific and bird-populated altitude!
  14. “We apologize for the slight delay, we had a problem with one of the plane’s hinges.” (Plane’s engines) – This spoonerism makes the delay sound a bit less serious (and a bit sillier).
  15. “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of the crib few.” (Cabin crew) – Ending the list with a spoonerism that paints a very cozy image of the flight crew.

Fasten Your Seatbelts, More Puns Approaching!

We hope these airplane puns and jokes helped you reach new heights of laughter! If you’re ready for more side-splitting wordplay, don’t just wing it – navigate your browser over to our punny website for a first-class ticket to chuckle city. We promise it’ll be a riot, we’re not lion! 😜

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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