Get ready to 😁 with the 😬 best 🦷 puns and jokes about teeth! This list of humor is jam-packed with clever and positive jokes for kids and adults alike. We promise these jokes aren’t cheesy… well, maybe just a little πŸ§€. Brace yourselves for a hilarious ride through the world of tooth puns – you’re sure to have a 😁 time!

Top Tooth Puns & Jokes – Editor’s Picks: Guaranteed to Fill Your Smile with Laughter

  1. Why did the dentist break up with the toothbrush? Because they couldn’t see eye to eye!
  2. You know, I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey… but then I turned myself around. That’s what it’s all about. Now, I floss regularly!
  3. What’s it called when you have a fear of going to the dentist? A very common phobia.
  4. I want to brush my teeth… But my dentist told me to wait a little longer.
  5. Did you hear about the dentist who married the manicurist? I heard they fought tooth and nail.
  6. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? Fill me in later!
  7. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
  8. What’s the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty!
  9. My dentist told me I have no cavities. I think that’s what you call love at first sight.
  10. My dentist has really nice teeth. Guess you could say she takes her own advice.
  11. Why do dentists make great dancers? They’ve got the floss moves!
  12. What does the dentist of the year get? A little plaque.
  13. I had to go to the emergency dentist this morning. Apparently, they specialize in filling me with dread.
  14. I just got back from a root canal, and it cost me an arm and a leg. Well, at least it wasn’t teeth this time!
  15. What did the dentist say to the golfer? You’ve got a hole-in-one!
  16. Why are dentists always so calm? Have you ever tried arguing with someone who has their hands in your mouth?
  17. My dentist told me to wear my retainer at night, but I keep losing it. I suspect my dog is getting to the root of the problem.
Clean and clever Tooth Puns and Jokes at Discover the best Tooth, featuring top Tooth jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Tooth content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Funny Tooth One-Liner Jokes to Leave You Smiling

  1. I floss only on days that I eat… which is why I need to floss my teeth twice a day!
  2. You know, I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey… but then I turned myself around. Now, I’m addicted to brushing my teeth, because I can’t seem to stop.
  3. My dentist told me I have no cavities. I guess I’m cavity-free!
  4. I got my friend into teeth whitening… Now he can’t stop.
  5. Why did the dentist break up with the hygienist? Because they fought too often about who had the better floss-ophy!
  6. I wanted to buy a vintage toothbrush, but the bristles were too hard to find.
  7. Did you hear about the dentist who married the manicurist? They fought tooth and nail to make it work.
  8. Why are dentists always so calm? They know how to keep their fillings in check!
  9. My dentist told me I needed a crown… I guess I’m royalty now!
  10. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
  11. Life is like a box of chocolates… Filled with fillings.
  12. I went to the dentist this morning… I had a wisdom tooth pulled, and he said it didn’t hurt a bit. He lied.
  13. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? Fill me in later!
  14. Be true to your teeth, or they’ll be false to you.
  15. You can always tell a good dentist by their pearly white smile.

QnA Jokes & Puns about Tooth: Brace Yourself for Some Enamel-raising Laughs!

  1. Q: What did the dentist say to the tooth? A: I’m gonna crown you today! πŸ‘‘
  2. Q: What does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth? A: She’s building a molar mansion! 🦷🏑
  3. Q: Why did the golfer wear dentures? A: He wanted to improve his tee-th! πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ
  4. Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A: A gummy bear! 🐻🍬
  5. Q: What’s a dentist’s favorite time? A: Tooth-hurty! ⏰🦷
  6. Q: Why don’t pirates ever see the dentist? A: They have too much tartar! πŸ’€πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
  7. Q: What did the tooth say to the dentist on Valentine’s Day? A: I’m head over floss for you! ❀️🦷
  8. Q: How do you fix a cracked pumpkin? A: With a pumpkin patch! πŸŽƒπŸ©Ή
  9. Q: Did you hear about the dentist who married the manicurist? A: They fought tooth and nail to make the relationship work! πŸ’πŸ’…
  10. Q: What kind of music does a dentist listen to? A: Anything with a good molar-dy! 🎢
  11. Q: What’s the best way to communicate with a fish? A: You drop them a line! 🎣
  12. Q: Why did the king go to the dentist? A: To get his crown fixed! πŸ‘‘
  13. Q: Which tooth is the most gossipy? A: The wisdom tooth – it’s seen it all! 🀫🦷
  14. Q: What do you call a tooth that’s always on time? A: A punctual molar! ⏰🦷
  15. Q: Why was the tooth always exhausted? A: It led a very bite-sized life! πŸ₯±
  16. Q: What did the dentist give the astronaut? A: A space floss-er! πŸš€πŸ¦·
  17. Q: What did the ocean say to the beach? A: Nothing, it just waved! πŸ‘‹πŸŒŠ

Dad Jokes About Tooth: Brace Yourself for Some Enamel-Raising Humor

  1. Why did the dentist tell the golfer to put his club back in the bag? Because he had a hole in one!
  2. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? Fill me in later!
  3. What does a dentist use to get to work? A tooth-brush!
  4. What’s the best way to keep your teeth healthy? Don’t give them to anyone else!
  5. I floss every day… Most of it gets stuck in my teeth, though.
  6. What’s a dentist’s favorite time of day? Tooth-hurty!
  7. You know what the tooth fairy gives for baby teeth now? Bit-coin!
  8. My dentist told me I needed a crown. I was like, β€œI know, right?”
  9. What did the dentist say to the tooth that needed a filling? β€œThis is going to be an intense filling!”
  10. Why are teeth like stars? They come out at night!
  11. What does the dentist of the year get? A little plaque.
  12. I just got back from the dentist. Turns out I have no cavities. I think my dentist is starting to like me!
  13. What did the grandpappy tooth say to the baby tooth? You’re looking molar every day!
  14. My wife asked me to pass the toothpaste. I said, β€œNo way, babe, that’s how you get cavities.”
  15. What did the mommy tooth say to her baby tooth when he was talking too much? β€œSweetheart, I think you need to brush up on your manners!”
  16. What did the tooth say to the lemonade? Hey, wanna meet my friend, the canker sore?
  17. How do teeth get to school? On a dental bus!

Funny Quotes About Tooth: Get Your Fill-ings of Laughter!

  1. My dentist told me I should floss my teeth. I told him, β€œFloss? I’m too busy between brushing!”
  2. You know you’re getting old when β€œgetting lucky” means you found your car in the parking lot on the first try, not pulling out a loose tooth.
  3. I used to have a fear of the dentist. Then I realized, I’m an adult now, I’m allowed to eat candy BEFORE my appointment if I want to.
  4. They say a clean house is a sign of a wasted life. But what about messy teeth? Asking for a friend who may or may not be a dragon.
  5. My dentist is a magician. He put his hand in my mouth, pulled out a drill, and…poof! Two hundred dollars disappeared!
  6. You’re never fully dressed without a smile…unless you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, then you might want to try a grimace.
  7. I brush my teeth twice a day. Once after coffee, and once before the dentist judges me.
  8. My dentist told me I have a cavity. I told him, β€œDude, I want a refund, I didn’t order that!”
  9. Life is like a box of chocolates and your teeth are like the little dividers in the box. Important, easily lost, and nobody wants to be left with just the coconut ones.
  10. I told my dentist I wanted my teeth to be whiter than white. He suggested I carry around a bottle of Tippex for touch-ups.
  11. I asked my dentist if he had any books about paranoia. He whispered, β€œThey’re right behind you!”
  12. Some people are afraid of heights. Others are afraid of spiders. Me? I’m just scared of the bill I get AFTER the dentist says, β€œOpen wide”.
  13. Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eating five bags of candy corn a day keeps everyone away, especially if you haven’t brushed your teeth.
  14. I floss daily. Once with floss, then again with my panicked inner monologue right before a dental appointment.
  15. Be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you.
  16. Remember kids, don’t be afraid of the dentist. Be afraid of what will happen if you DON’T go to the dentist.
  17. People say money can’t buy happiness, but have you ever paid off a massive dental bill? Pure joy, I tell you!

Funny Proverbs & Wise Sayings about Tooth: Guaranteed to make you smile

  1. A brush a day keeps the dentist away… and the tooth fairy in business! (Playful twist on a classic)
  2. You can’t judge a tooth by its enamel. (Like β€œDon’t judge a book by its cover,” poking fun at superficiality)
  3. Never look a gift floss in the mouth. (Absurd yet memorable play on β€œDon’t look a gift horse…”)
  4. A clean tooth is a happy tooth… unless it’s got a cavity. Then it’s just a faker. (Adding dark humor to the mix)
  5. An apple a day keeps the dentist away… if you have good aim. (Highlighting the potential downsides of the original proverb)
  6. The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth, so help me dentist. (Parodying court oaths with a dental twist)
  7. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m blaming the sugar bugs. (Shifting blame humorously in a dental context)
  8. Don’t cry over spilled milk… unless it’s got sugar. Then cry for your teeth. (Exaggerated reaction for humor)
  9. Silence is golden… especially when the dentist asks if you flossed. (Relatable awkwardness for a chuckle)
  10. The best things in life are free… like baby teeth, until you factor in braces. (Undermining the saying with a dose of reality)
  11. Two wrongs don’t make a right… but two fillings might save a bite. (Playing with words and dental situations)
  12. Laughter is the best medicine… unless you have a toothache, then it’s ibuprofen. (Prioritizing practicality over clichΓ©)
  13. Good things come to those who wait… unless you’re waiting for a tooth to stop hurting, then just go to the dentist already! (Adding urgency with humor)
  14. Always be yourself… unless you can be a tooth fairy, then be a tooth fairy. (Absurd and random for a final chuckle)

Tooth Double Entendres Puns: Brace Yourself for Some Enamel-raising Laughs!

  1. β€œI’m flossed!” (Exhausted / Done with flossing)
  2. β€œThis tooth pain is un-bear-able!” (Unbearable / Relating to a bear’s tooth)
  3. β€œCan you recommend a good dentist? I need to find my perfect match.” (Romantic partner / Matching dentures)
  4. β€œMy dentist said I have a sweet tooth…and a sour one, and a bitter one…” (Craving sweets / Describing all the teeth)
  5. β€œHaving a root canal done tomorrow. I’m really rooting for myself.” (Cheering oneself on / Dental procedure)
  6. β€œDental work is expensive! It’s like pulling teeth getting my wallet out.” (Difficult / Literal teeth pulling)
  7. β€œI brush twice a day. Gotta keep my pearly whites sparkling!” (Clean teeth / Idealized version of teeth)
  8. β€œI need to go to the dentist. My teeth are insured, but they’re acting uninsured.” (Covered by insurance / Acting up)
  9. β€œI finally got braces! Time to brace myself for all the compliments.” (Prepare oneself / Orthodontic treatment)
  10. β€œI’m not going to sugarcoat it, your breath could knock someone over.” (Be honest / Bad breath)
  11. β€œMy dentist told me to floss more. I guess I’m just stringing him along.” (Deceiving someone / Not flossing)
  12. β€œYou have a beautiful smile! What’s the secret ingredient?” (Asking for recipe / Secret to good teeth)
  13. β€œMy dentist said I grind my teeth at night. I guess I’m just working on my bite.” (Improving jaw strength / Grinding habit)
  14. β€œI went to the dentist to get a crown. Now everyone keeps bowing.” (Dental crown / Becoming royalty)

Recursive Puns About Tooth: Brace Yourself for Some Molar Madness!

  1. What did the grandpa tooth say to the baby tooth? You’re looking sharp today! (Sharp teeth also refer to being sharp-witted)
  2. Why don’t teeth tell secrets? Because they always spill the beans! (Spilling the beans means revealing secrets, and beans can get stuck in your teeth)
  3. What kind of music do teeth listen to? Anything but heavy metal! (Heavy metal music is loud, and metal fillings are heavy in your teeth)
  4. What did the tooth say to the dentist at the checkup? I’m enamel-y glad to see you! (Enamel refers to the protective layer of teeth, and β€œenamel-y” sounds like β€œimmensely”)
  5. Why did the tooth go to school? To get a little wisdom! (Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow in, symbolizing wisdom)
  6. Why did the tooth cross the road? To get to the other side! (The other side of the mouth also has teeth)
  7. What’s a tooth’s favorite game? Truth or dare! (Telling the truth is important for dental hygiene, and teeth are used for daring smiles)
  8. What did the dentist say to the nervous tooth? Don’t worry, it’s just a routine checkup! (Dental routines keep teeth healthy)
  9. Why did the tooth get lost? It couldn’t find its bearings! (Losing your bearings means getting lost, and bearings are also used in dental drills)
  10. What do you call a tooth that’s always in trouble? A bad apple! (A bad apple spoils the bunch, just like a bad tooth can affect the rest)
  11. Why was the tooth always smiling? It had great dentures! (Smiling shows off your teeth, and dentures are artificial teeth)
  12. What do you call a tooth that’s also a lawyer? A legal tender! (Legal tender is a form of payment, and your teeth are tender after dental work)
  13. Why did the tooth fail its history test? It kept brushing up on the wrong dates! ( Brushing your teeth is important, and brushing up on something means studying it)
  14. What’s a tooth’s favorite type of movie? A tearjerker! ( Tearjerker movies make you cry, and your teeth might tear into food)
  15. Why did the tooth become a comedian? It wanted to crack everyone up! (Making someone crack up means making them laugh, and you can crack a tooth)

Funny Tooth Tom Swifties – Jokes and Puns: Brace Yourself for Some Enamel-y Good Humor

  1. β€œI need to floss more,” Tom said stringently.
  2. β€œMy dentist said I have a cavity,” Tom said feeling dejected.
  3. β€œI chipped my tooth on a pretzel!” Tom said with dis-salt.
  4. β€œMy new dentures feel great!” Tom said flawlessly.
  5. β€œI can’t believe I ate all that candy,” Tom said with teeth-gritting remorse.
  6. β€œI just love biting into an apple,” Tom said incisively.
  7. β€œMy wisdom teeth are finally coming in!” Tom said knowingly.
  8. β€œI think I need a root canal,” Tom said painfully.
  9. β€œBrushing your teeth is important,” Tom said brusquely.
  10. β€œMy braces are finally off!” Tom said with a beaming smile.
  11. β€œI prefer soft-bristled toothbrushes,” Tom said gently.
  12. β€œI think my gums are receding,” Tom said recedingly.
  13. β€œI swallowed my chewing gum!” Tom said adhesively.
  14. β€œMy dentist is a magician with a drill,” Tom said boringly.
  15. β€œThis toothpaste tastes minty fresh,” Tom said coolly.
  16. β€œI love visiting the dentist,” Tom lied tooth-fully.

Tooth Spoonerisms: Where words go to get their teeth knocked out (and hilariously put back in)

  1. β€œBrush your teef with care!” (Brush your teeth with care!)
  2. β€œI need to foose my floth.” (I need to floss my tooth.)
  3. β€œDon’t forget to blosh your froth!” (Don’t forget to floss your broth!)
  4. β€œThe dentist gave me a clean bill of health.” (The dentist gave me a clean bill of wealth – implying you have great teeth!)
  5. β€œMy tooth hurts, I need to make an appointment with the hentist.” (My tooth hurts, I need to make an appointment with the dentist.)
  6. β€œI chipped my tooth on a piece of hard candy. That’s the wast time I buy that chand!” (I chipped my tooth on a piece of hard candy. That’s the last time I buy that brand!)
  7. β€œTime for bed, I’m going to brush my teef and hit the hay.” (Time for bed, I’m going to brush my teeth and hit the hay.)
  8. β€œI have a loose tooth, I can wiggle it with my tongue!” (I have a loose tooth, I can wiggle it with my thung!)
  9. β€œOw! I think I have a cavity. This toothache is driving me bats!” (Ow! I think I have a cavity. This toothache is driving me cats!)
  10. β€œDid you see the size of that shark’s choppers?! Imagine getting bitten by those teesh!” (Did you see the size of that shark’s choppers?! Imagine getting bitten by those teeth!)
  11. β€œMy dentist always tells me to floss regularly. Says it’s the best way to fight plaque hack!” (My dentist always tells me to floss regularly. Says it’s the best way to fight plaque attack!)
  12. β€œI can’t believe they make toothpaste in so many flavors these days. I’m partial to wintermint fintermint!” (I can’t believe they make toothpaste in so many flavors these days. I’m partial to wintermint wintermint!)
  13. β€œEver since I was a kid, I’ve been terrified of the hentist. Just the thought of drills makes me squirm!” (Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been terrified of the dentist. Just the thought of drills makes me squirm!)
  14. β€œMy tooth feels so much better now that I had the filling. It was worth every penny, I tell you, worth every fenny!” (My tooth feels so much better now that I had the filling. It was worth every penny, I tell you, worth every penny!)
  15. β€œI chipped my tooth! Time for an emergency appointment with my hentist, Dr. Pill! (I chipped my tooth! Time for an emergency appointment with my dentist, Dr. Phil!)
  16. β€œRemember to brush your teef after eating sugary treats, or you’ll have the sugar bugs to blame!” (Remember to brush your teeth after eating sugary treats, or you’ll have the sugar bugs to blame!)

Brush Aside Your Worries, More Puns Await!

We hope these tooth puns and jokes filled your day with laughter and maybe even made you say β€œenamel!” But don’t brush us off just yet! There’s a whole world of punny humor to explore on our website. So floss outta here and head over to [website address] for more rib-tickling jokes that’ll have you grinning ear to ear.

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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