🍂 Get ready to fall head over heels for some serious laughter! 😂 This isn’t your average list of autumn puns and jokes, folks – we’ve got the best, most clever, and hilarious wordplay this side of the harvest moon. 🌕 From funny one-liners that’ll tickle your funny bone to jokes about autumn perfect for kids, this list is bursting with positive vibes and enough groan-worthy puns to make you leaf through them all season long! 🤪

Top Autumn Puns & Jokes – Editor’s Picks: Get Ready to Leaf Through These!

  1. Why did the tree break up with the fall? Because they were falling apart! 🍂💔
  2. I’m so excited for the leaves to change… I’m already raking it in! 💰🍁
  3. You know what they say about autumn… It’s really gourd-geous! ✨
  4. What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks! 🌳🩳
  5. Autumn is my favorite time of year… It’s so cozy and sweater-weather! ☕️😌
  6. What’s it called when a tree throws a party? A branch party! 🥳🎉
  7. Why do trees make such bad knitters? They keep dropping their needles! 🧶🤦‍♀️
  8. What did the leaf say to the wind? Leaf me alone! 💨🍂
  9. My therapist told me to embrace my mistakes… Guess I’ll rake it up to experience! 🍂🧘‍♀️
  10. Orange you glad to see me? Said the pumpkin spice latte to literally everyone. 🎃☕
  11. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat and straw-tings! 🎶🌾
  12. Autumn leaves are falling, winter is calling… But at least we still have pumpkin spice everything! 🧡
  13. I tried to catch the fog… I mist! 🌫️😅
  14. This year, I’m going as a ghost for Halloween… My costume is already half-made! 👻😂
  15. What did the pumpkin say to the carver? “Cut it out!” 🎃🔪
Clean and clever Autumn Puns and Jokes at ThePunnyWorld.com. Discover the best Autumn, featuring top Autumn jokes, one-liners, funny quotes, and captions. Enjoy a collection of funny and clever Autumn content designed for humor enthusiasts.

Funny Autumn One-Liner Jokes: Leaf You In Stitches

  1. Autumn is the a-maize-ing season, but I’m still feeling very gourd-geous.
  2. I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.
  3. My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing it… so I took it to the movies. It was a great date, I think I’ll take it out again next fall.
  4. This weather is unbe-leaf-able!
  5. Orange you glad it’s finally sweater weather?
  6. Autumn leaves falling down like my grades.
  7. Let’s be honest, pumpkin spice is just the pumpkin’s way of apologizing for being a pumpkin.
  8. My therapist told me to embrace my mistakes… so I’m going back for that last pumpkin spice latte.
  9. Fall is my favorite season because it’s the only time I can wear a brown sweater and pretend I’m a tree.
  10. What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks!
  11. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  12. I love falling in the fall… if that makes any cents.
  13. My friend says autumn is her favorite season. That’s such a basic witch thing to say.
  14. What’s a tree’s favorite dating app? Timber.
  15. Why don’t they play poker in the forest? Too many Cheetahs.
  16. How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
  17. What did the leaf say to the tree when he left? Leaf me alone!

QnA Jokes & Puns about Autumn: Leaf You in Stitches!

  1. Q: Why did the tree break up with the autumn leaf? A: Because it felt their love was fading and it was time to leaf the past behind!
  2. Q: What did the tree wear to the autumn party? A: A scarf and beanie, of course!
  3. Q: Why do trees make terrible secret keepers in autumn? A: Because they always seem to leaf something out!
  4. Q: How do trees get on the internet? A: They log in!
  5. Q: What’s autumn’s favorite drink? A: Apple cider!
  6. Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award? A: Because he was outstanding in his field!
  7. Q: What happens when a tree falls in love? A: It falls hard!
  8. Q: How does an autumn leaf get from point A to point B? A: Usually by wind, but sometimes it hitches a ride on a squirrel!
  9. Q: What musical instrument do squirrels play in the fall? A: The cash-nut!
  10. Q: Why are autumn leaves so bright? A: Because they’ve been working on their fall looks all year!
  11. Q: What kind of vest should you wear in autumn? A: A har-vest vest!
  12. Q: What’s it called when a pumpkin is too big to carve? A: A gourd problem!
  13. Q: What do you get if you drop a pumpkin? A: Squash!
  14. Q: Why are pumpkins so gossipy? A: They have a lot of seeds to spread!
  15. Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite part about autumn? A: Halloween, of corpse!
  16. Q: Why did the jack-o-lantern fail his driving test? A: He kept going through the stop signs!

Dad Jokes About Autumn: Leaf You in Stitches 🍂😂

  1. My wife loves autumn, she says it’s her favorite season to fall in love.
  2. What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks!
  3. You know what they say about autumn…it’s sweater weather!
  4. I love autumn, it’s such a gourd-geous time of year!
  5. Why don’t they play football in the autumn wind? They’d have a hard time scoring with all those un-defleeted passes!
  6. What did the tree say to the autumn wind? Leaf me alone!
  7. I wanted to carve a pumpkin, but I couldn’t find a scary enough face…so I just used a mirror!
  8. Don’t you hate it when you’re carving a pumpkin and make a mistake? It’s such a grave error.
  9. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
  10. What do you call it when a tree doesn’t believe in you? Un-be-leaf-able!
  11. Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green!
  12. My son asked me what happens to trees in the fall…I said “I don’t know, I haven’t fallen one yet!
  13. How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
  14. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beet!
  15. Why did the squirrel hide in the leaves? So no one could see it’s nuts!
  16. What’s the best thing about autumn? It’s a time for hay rides and pumpkin spice lattes!

Funny Quotes About Autumn: Leafing You in Stitches

  1. “I love the smell of pumpkin spice and everything nice… said no one allergic to cinnamon ever.”
  2. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time of year when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” – Lauren DeStefano (with a humorous twist: “Except for my summer tan, that just bursts into flames.”)
  3. “My wife’s idea of getting ready for Autumn is buying pumpkin spice EVERYTHING.”
  4. “I want to be like a tree in Autumn: Let go of the things I no longer need and stand tall through life’s changes.” …Unless that thing is the last pumpkin spice latte, then I’m clinging on for dear life.
  5. “I’m so excited for Halloween, I can barely contain my ghoul-friend’s excitement!”
  6. “The leaves are turning, the air is crisp, and my bank account is shivering.”
  7. “I’m not sure what’s more impressive, how quickly the leaves change color or how quickly stores replace Halloween candy with Christmas decorations.”
  8. “Dear Autumn, please don’t make me choose between warm sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. I want it all!”
  9. “I’m not saying I gain weight in the Fall, but I do start looking more like a “round” person.”
  10. “Pumpkin spice is my favorite Fall tradition… besides pretending I’ll actually go apple picking.”
  11. “Sweater weather is my favorite weather, mainly because it hides the fact that I haven’t exercised since June.”
  12. “It’s officially pumpkin spice season! Don’t tell my pumpkin spice deodorant.”

Funny Proverbs & Wise Sayings about Autumn: Leafing you in Stitches!

  1. A rake in the hand is worth two on Amazon Prime. (Because let’s face it, fall deliveries are the slowest).
  2. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and… ready to rake leaves. (Those leaves won’t rake themselves!)
  3. The early bird catches the worm, but the late squirrel gets the best parking spot at the pumpkin patch. (Autumnal traffic is real, people!)
  4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, unless it’s caramel-covered and dipped in nuts. Then, you’re on your own. (We all have our weaknesses).
  5. Don’t cry over spilled cider. It’s just the universe making room for more pumpkin spice lattes. (Always look on the bright side of life…and seasonal beverages).
  6. A watched pot never boils, and neither do pumpkins left unattended on the porch. (Seriously, carve those things already!)
  7. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him wear a Halloween costume. (Unless that horse is really into dress-up).
  8. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, and don’t carve your pumpkins before October. (Unless you enjoy the smell of rotting gourd).
  9. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, but it might roll down a hill and land in your neighbor’s yard. (Gravity is a fickle mistress).
  10. Good things come to those who wait, especially if they’re waiting for pumpkin pie. (Patience is a virtue, but so is a good dessert).
  11. If at first you don’t succeed, try raking leaves into a bigger pile. (And then jump in! We already talked about this).
  12. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, and you can’t have a proper hayride without getting some hay in your clothes. (It’s all about the experience).
  13. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are epic blanket forts made of fallen leaves. (Masterpieces take time).
  14. The pen is mightier than the sword, but a rake is mightier than a pile of leaves. (Especially when wielded with determination).
  15. Laughter is the best medicine, especially when you’re surrounded by colorful leaves and crisp autumn air. (Because happiness is always in season).

Autumn Double Entendres Puns: Leaf You In Stitches

  1. “I’m falling for you.” (Falling in love OR falling like the autumn leaves)
  2. “Can you rake up any more enthusiasm?” (Gathering leaves OR mustering excitement)
  3. “That pumpkin spice latte really spiced things up.” (Added flavor OR made a situation more exciting)
  4. “He’s such a Fungi.” (Fun guy OR referring to mushrooms that thrive in autumn)
  5. “This weather is really giving me the chills.” (Feeling cold OR feeling scared/thrilled)
  6. Orange you glad it’s autumn?” (Playing on the color of fall leaves and the fruit)
  7. “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, it’s just Halloween.” (Timid person OR referring to black cats associated with Halloween)
  8. “I’m so glad summer is over, I was toast.” (Burnt bread OR completely exhausted)
  9. “That haunted house was absolutely gourd-geous.” (Beautiful OR referencing pumpkins/gourds)
  10. “Let’s go apple picking, it’s my favorite autumn activity.” (Gathering apples OR implying someone is attractive)
  11. “Leaf me alone, I’m trying to enjoy the fall colors.” (Leave me be OR referencing autumn foliage)
  12. “This cider is really going to my head.” (Intoxicating OR making someone feel dizzy/lightheaded)
  13. “That costume is really working for you.” (Looks good OR functioning as intended for Halloween)
  14. “I’m feeling really spooky today.” (Frightening OR excited for Halloween festivities)
  15. “Get ready to carve out some fun this Halloween.” (Engrave pumpkins OR make time for enjoyable activities)
  16. “This weather is really sweater weather.” (Cozy and cool OR indicating someone is attractive/desirable)

Recursive Puns about Autumn: Falling for Wordplay This Fall

  1. Why did Autumn get lost in the woods? Because she couldn’t leaf her problems behind, which stemmed from not leafing sooner, which stemmed from… well, you get the idea.
  2. What’s Autumn’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good fall-setto, especially if it has a catchy fall-setto, especially if…
  3. How does Autumn make her coffee? With a pinch of cinnamon and a dash of pumpkin spice, because she likes a pinch of cinnamon and a dash of…
  4. What did the tree say to Autumn? “Leaf me alone!” …which prompted Autumn to leaf it alone, which made the tree quite happy to be leaft alone…
  5. Why did Autumn bring a ladder to the orchard? Because she heard the apples were falling, and she wanted to catch them before they fall, and…
  6. What’s Autumn’s favorite Shakespearean play? “The Fall of Man,” because it reminds her of the falling leaves, which reminds her of “The Fall of Man”…
  7. What did the pumpkin say to Autumn? “Cut it out!” …which is exactly what Autumn was going to do before the pumpkin told her to cut it out, so she decided to cut it out…
  8. Why did Autumn win the pie contest? Because she’s got the magic touch, especially when it comes to baking with pumpkin, which requires a magic touch, especially…
  9. How does Autumn like her sweaters? Cable-knit, because they remind her of hay bales, which are often seen in the fall, just like cable-knit sweaters…
  10. What’s Autumn’s favorite color? Rust, because it reminds her of changing leaves, which turn beautiful shades of rust, which remind her of…
  11. What’s the best thing about autumn? The crisp air, the colorful leaves, and the endless cycle of crisp air, colorful leaves, and…
  12. Why did the leaves change color? Because they were tired of being green, and they wanted to try something new, like being red, yellow, and orange, because they were tired of being green, and…
  13. Autumn is like a box of chocolates… You never know what you’re going to get, whether it’s a beautiful sunny day, a blustery rainstorm, or a beautiful sunny day…
  14. What did the acorn say when it grew up? “Gee, autumn,” because it had finally become an oak tree, which takes a long time, “Gee, autumn”…
  15. What do you call a mischievous spirit of autumn? A prank-fall-geist, because they love to play tricks during the fall, hence the name prank-fall-geist, because…
  16. Why is Autumn such a good storyteller? Because she has a way with words, especially when it comes to describing the beauty of the season, which is why she has a way with words, especially…

Funny Autumn Tom Swifties – Jokes and Puns That Will Leaf You in Stitches

  1. “I need to rake these leaves,” Tom said rakishly.
  2. “This pumpkin spice latte is too hot!” Tom said muggingly.
  3. “The leaves are turning so many beautiful colors,” Tom said artfully.
  4. “This hayride is bumpy!” Tom said balefully.
  5. “I love carving pumpkins,” Tom said insidiously.
  6. “This caramel apple is delicious!” Tom said core-dially.
  7. “I can’t wait to go apple picking,” Tom said cider-fully.
  8. “This scarf is so cozy and warm!” Tom said snugly.
  9. “Did you hear that owl?” Tom asked who-fully.
  10. “I think I ate too much pumpkin pie,” Tom said seedy-ly.
  11. “This sweater is itchy!” Tom said rashly.
  12. “The air is so crisp and cool!” Tom said briskly.
  13. “I love watching the leaves fall,” Tom said decisively.
  14. “This corn maze is confusing!” Tom said maze-ingly.
  15. “Pass the pumpkin spice cookies, please,” Tom said gingerly.
  16. “Let’s jump in the pile of leaves!” Tom said recklessly.

Autumn Spoonerisms: Leaf Your Troubles at the Door

  1. “Crisp me the ciders!” (Pass me the crisps!)
  2. “Time for some crumble and pie!” (Time for some rumble and pie!) – Picture a very loud pie eating contest.
  3. “Let’s carve some humpkins!” (Let’s carve some pumpkins!) – These pumpkins have an interesting shape.
  4. “I love the smell of burning weaves!” (I love the smell of burning leaves!) – Autumnal hairdressing takes a turn.
  5. “This chili is spooking hot!” (This chili is smoking hot!) – Haunted chili, anyone?
  6. “Don’t forget your scarf and chittens!” (Don’t forget your scarf and mittens!) – Tiny feline hand warmers, how practical!
  7. “The trees are all shanging colander!” (The trees are all changing colour!) – Someone’s got a very specific design aesthetic for their autumn leaves.
  8. “Look at that flock of geese hedding south!” (Look at that flock of geese heading south!) – The geese have taken charge and are making decisions now.
  9. “I need a new hair sweater for fall.” (I need a new hair sweater for fall.) – Keep your head warm with a woolly hat made of hair.
  10. “These apple pies are the beast!” (These apple pies are the best!) – Be careful, these pies might bite back!
  11. “I love the sound of rustling weaves.” (I love the sound of rustling leaves.) – Sounds like someone needs to invest in some better fabric softener.
  12. “Went to the apple orchard. It was picked clean. Totally papple-less!” (Went to the apple orchard. It was picked clean. Totally apple-less!) – A sad day for apple lovers.
  13. “My favorite fall drink is hiber cider.” (My favorite fall drink is cider beer.) – The perfect drink to sip while hibernating all winter.
  14. “Those squirrels are so full of autumny cheek!” (Those squirrels are so full of autumnal cheek!) – Those cheeky squirrels are hoarding all the best nuts.
  15. “Let’s get cozy by the fire and roast some marshmallows. I hear they’re toasty delicious!” (Let’s get cozy by the fire and roast some marshmallows. I hear they’re tasty delicious!) – Who needs grammar when you have deliciousness?
  16. “Be careful of the falling squeaves!” (Be careful of the falling leaves!) – Those leaves sound awfully squeaky underfoot.
  17. This crisp autumn hair is giving me chive!” (This crisp autumn air is giving me life!) – The invigorating scent of… chives?

Leafing You with Laughter This Fall!

We hope these autumn puns and jokes leaf-t you feeling a-maize-d and ready to spice up your conversations! Don’t let the laughter fall like autumn leaves – explore our website for even more punny delights that’ll grow your funny bone.

Sarah Ejaz - Creator and Founder of online space ThePunnyWorld.com, a place of endless humor with fresh jokes and puns.

About the Author: Sarah Ejaz

I, Sarah Ejaz, am the creative force behind ThePunnyWorld.com, your premier destination for chuckles and chortles. With my expertise in English Literature and extensive experience as a freelance creative writer, I craft jokes and puns that light up your day. Explore our world for your daily dose of humor, and let the good times roll! Find and read here my Best Puns.

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